From the post A Twisty Ride to the Seaside, part of the series I posted on our trip to Bright and Bermagui. This photo was the epitome of the whole trip for me, learning all sorts of new things and experiences that I had never had before. The ultimate being the downhill twisties of Brown's Mountain.
The original photo looked like this ...
As you can see I tickled it up a lot using Paintshop, cropping and making the colours more vibrant as well as the border.
This photo is from the post A little Video Tour of Forster-Tuncurry that includes the video of our little jaunt to Tuncurry from Forster. The photo was ripped from video and originally looked like this...

I cleaned up the photo and cropped it in Photoshop then just added a bit of vibrancy to bring out the colors before adding a border. I love this pic cause it's the first time either of our bikes saw the ocean .. I think they enjoyed their weekend by the sea.
From the series of posts about our trip to Broken Hill, this photo was taken while were enjoying the view from Mundi Mundi Lookout.
I straightened the photo then cropped it in Paintshop. Then added an effect to make it look as surreal as it felt at the time. Then added a border.
From the post She's Got The Look.
This photo was taken on the night that I took Roxy out to check out her new lights. The Gopro didn't cope very well with the night shots, most of them were too blurred to make any sense of but this one caught my eye for the effects of the lights.
I played with it in Paintshop and tickled up the colors and contrast a lot, and added a softening effect as well.
From the post Bubble Gum and Cheese .. and all things in between
This photo was taken at the end of the day on our trip to Mudgee, the sun was low in the sky and made for some pretty great photos that looked great without the need to do much in the way of editing.
I cropped the photo and added some contrast in Paintshop then put a border around it.

From the post called Trying Out Some New Stuff.
This photo hasn't been edited in anyway and is the original wobbly boot pic from the GoPro mounted on my highway bars, where it gets lots of vibration. Loved it the first time, but sheesh half my pics turned out like this so the GoPro was soon moved to a more stable location.
This photo was originally posted on the Lunch and Flowers post on April 8th 2013.
I didn't crop this one at all, it was one of the first taken when I was trying out the new position of the GoPro on my Highway bar. I did tickle up the colors a little bit. I loved this pic just for the perspective and as a memory of a nice day out with Terry.

This is a photo of the president and founder of the group Rusty. I cropped it from the original and then fixed up the colors a lot to brighten it and bring out more color. And put a big black border around it to kinda give it a feel of how tough this image is.
I love this photo, it reminds me of a special weekend with some special people.
This photo was originally posted on Going Backwards.
I didn't do much to it just cropped it to a square Instagram shape and made it balck and white.
What's not to love about looking at all that pretty shiny chrome!
Yep it's another driveway, dont you think that driveways tell you something .. or lend a sense of mystery, sometimes I wonder about the house they lead to and the people who live there.
This is the original picture taken with the GoPro facing backwards, I never saw this driveway til I was going through the pics to edit, it just lent itself to this old picture treatment which I found playing round with an add-on to Paintshop.
Of course I cropped it til I had the photo I wanted framed.

This photo was taken on the trip to Parkes along the road to The Dish. There's something about a driveway that runs off into the distance and you cant see a house anywhere.
This is the original photo from the GoPro. Yep you guessed it I jazzed up the pic with Paintshop mostly I wanted to show the effect of all that red dirt.
Originally posted on 30 January 2013.
This was taken on the day of our epic trip to Parkes for the Elvis festival. That trip that was just chock full of epic Gopro fails. And this is one of them. After pulling over for a break at Peak Hill about half way to Parkes, I had put down my helmet before realising the Gopro was still on.
I love this photo as it has captured a perfect shot of Terry.
This is the original photo and you can see me just realising that the camera is still on and bending down to turn it off. I was so glad it didn't take this pic seconds later when I would be blocking the shot.
I edited it with a Paintshop Pro instant effect that I just love.
Originally posted 14th January 2013.
To me this photo just shows everything that riding in outback Australia means to me. The openess of soft rolling hills, the burnt colors of the soil and the grass against the vibrant blueness of the sky all remind me of the feeling of tranquility that I can sink into while riding from one place to another on a long trip.

This pic started life looking like this when I got it off the GoPro..
I cropped it to the view I remember looking at and then edited it a touch to bring out the colors, yep they're a bit surreal but I remember it all being a bit surreal in the heat too.
Originally posted 31st December 2012
Featured in the post 12 months later and the courage is building.
This photo is the first time I've managed to actually capture lightening. I cheated, I filmed it with the GoPro then ripped it from the video when I got home. I'm still proud of it tho :)

From the Post The Yeoval Road Finally!!
This photo was in the petrol station at Yeoval and taken just as I pulled up at the old bowsers. I love the old stuff you find in these tiny country towns.
I edited this pic by cropping and then putting an instant antique photo effect on it in Paint Shop Pro.

The original photo looked like this ....

From the Post The Yeoval Road Finally!!
This picture was the best I got of the Animals on Bikes that are on display along the Obely Road between Molong and Dubbo. Another horse for some reason though I don't have any kind of fascination or a particular love for horses and have only ever been on one once when I was so young that I don't remember it. What I loved bout this pic is that it didn't end up focusing on the horse and I think you had to know it was there to really see it.
I edited it by cropping the original then doing a retro effect, using Paintshop Pro. I then added the border from Photobucket when I uploaded it to add to the blog.

This is the original photo which was posted in the blog post above as well.

From the post Playing Round With the GoPro
This was one of the first pictures I got off the GoPro.
I edited it by cropping it then increasing the contrast, backlighting and vignette using Corel Paintshop Pro's instant effects.
The original photo looked like this ..
I liked the Pics, Nicely clicked you are really a Pro. Also wanted to convey we have saddl bags and sissy bars at factory prices at http://www.bibblebar.com.au